I always wanted to give my piece of mind on this topic. Ever since 9/11 happened, all the Muslims are regarded with a different view and I wonder why. Even the evidences say that it is an inside job, people should do some research then start judging or accusing others. We as Muslims are facing so many problems everywhere all around the world since 2001.
The mass media is always associating the word 'Islam' or 'Muslim' with 'fanatic', 'fundamentalist', 'terrorist' and 'violence'. And you can imagine how people are going to react because they always believe what the mass media says and shows to them, wherever it is true or not. That really disappoints me because how can people be so gullible. Facing weird looks in public transport, people speaking rude to us and having to hear negative things about us is now common to us because it is our lives.
Just because Osama Bin Laden committed some sins during his lifetime, others are just generalizing that all Muslims are like that or going to follow his footsteps. What about the shooting at Connecticut? Why don't the media keep on putting emphasis on that? Because he is a Christian? They said that he has some mental problems and all, then the issue is over. In our case, the thing is still going on which is really ridiculous, why should we bear all these accusations and name callings? Isn't it unfair? People are mistaken when they think that Islam is a religion of violence instead it is a religion of peace and harmony.
However when I travel in public transport ever since I was 12, I am wearing my scarf so people do not sit next to me and prefer to stand up until they reach their destination because that thing on my head represent my religion (Islam) so I think it is in their head that I am going to blow them out with a bomb because there are cases of hijabis or niqabis who went into crowds with a self suicide bomb, killed many people and died in that incident. I know you can never change the mindset of a person. It disturbs me at times but you have to ignore some things in life to go ahead.
I know so many people who don't get jobs or a particular flat as they are Muslims. They do not enjoy the same privileges like others and are regarded as inferior. The people who say that they don't stereotype are the ones who actually do and I am like : ''WHAT?'' Everybody is not the same, remember that. I am just trying to raise awareness because I believe that a voice is enough to change the thinking of some people, if not the entire world. It is all about trying and start to watch what will happen after this.
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