Friday, 28 December 2012

Every kind of fear.

In this world we meet every kind of people with every kind of fear. People find ways and reasons to be afraid of almost everything. They all feel scary. We all face such situations where you are too afraid to do or say anything in case something wrong happens because then things don't work the way we want them to because we want to escape the reality through music or by sleeping. It is natural to feel that way because fear is an emotion and we are in constant battle with fear every moment of our lives.

It is your mind that keeps on telling you about the situation and how it is going to turn into the future or it is how we react to something we think might happen and don't want it to. We all focus on the present and what we can do to make ourselves successful but we don't want to fail. People don't realize that failure is the touchstone to success. You fail, you try, you fail, you try, you fail, you try and you will succeed someday and that is certain. One way to get rid of that fear to remain there where you are and accept things the way they are and not start imagining how everything can go haywire.

A workaholic works the whole day, making his career successful and he then thinks about his retirement plan but one day he realizes that he has no life but he actually made his work to be his life. He has nobody by his side because he didn't maintain his friendships as he doesn't have the time for a social life because work is his priority. He never gets birthday cards or phone calls on his birthday, only official greetings and everything is done for the day but it doesn't matter for him. He fears that nobody will come to attend his funeral when he dies. For him, money makes the world turn round because it is the most important thing in this world.

To go on, a mother fears that her child is going to fail his/her exam because he/she is not paying much attention to the studies, a father who fears that he is a failure at fulfilling his family's needs or a teacher who fears that his class is going to fail no matter what how hard he tries to teach them the syllabus but they are not doing their best and that affects him the most. When it comes to you, you fear that your most loved ones will leave you someday because you have experienced the death of your closed one and some people just leave your life without any specific reason but you have to keep the faith else you are going to be weak or numb as your mind keeps on playing games with you. Those actresses that you you see on the screen all the time fear that somebody will replace them someday because things keep on changing and nobody can stop that.You may go wherever you want in the world but you are going to see people who fear that they are going to be a failure tomorrow because it is stuck in their minds. It is good to have fear but you have to control it because if it stops you to achieve your goal then it is bad.

We always wonder why are we afraid. What causes that? It is that worry that eats up your mind and heart all the time. We should stop worrying about the future because it is like holding an umbrella and waiting for rain in a drought. We cannot control our breaths, heartbeats, sighs and illnesses so try to chill sometimes, we waste our energy and time too much over thinking. By trying to be positive, everything will turn out to be good because nothing is in our control.


  1. The fear of the unknown is the storm that could eat the ground beneath you and leave you shivering in the vaccum brainstorming session. We fear ourselves, we fear our own potential and we fear to do.
    Yes, we shall break the barriers some day and fly high. I know everyone would. :)
    Keep writing.

  2. Definitely and if we help ourselves we will :)
