Sunday, 18 November 2012

Being completely out of the world.

Sometimes you want to escape from this world and be all alone because you need that peace of mind badly but you don't know how to do so. You don't want to be disturbed at all. You don't want to do anything at all, just want to relax and get things sorted in your mind because it is really important. You are just surrounded by distractions all the time.

If you sleep all day, it is laziness and you may end up having a headache. You can't even sit down and chill out. You have to work or go to school. Even if you have summer vacations, you are always doing something or another, you always have to communicate with others. You cannot socialize these days if you are not on a social networking site and I am serious about that. Else you will not know what is going on with your friends' lives.

You may be addicted to video games and cannot live without or you have endless thoughts that is your thinking process cannot stop due to frustration, worries and disturbance. You feel sick and tired of how everything is going on. You need a break and wonder how to reach that peak of peace. But then did you ever forget your mobile phone at home? How did you feel? You sure did have that peaceful feeling. You now have a perfect excuse for not attending phone calls and not answering your text messages. People are like I am on my way in 5 minutes, then 2 minutes and then finally I am at your door through text messages. I mean it gets annoying in the end.

There are some people who are workaholic, I know way too many people like that including my own dad. To accept that one has nothing to - that is the most difficult thing ever for them. And you always feel sorry when you miss your favorite soap opera. Or rather you can't help but answer to every mail that you receive from people. People always blame the internet for the insomnia that they get every night, they are actually addicted to it.

We always say that : ''I wish I was on a lonely island.'' But we would be so bored that we would start analyzing every single thing that is over there and our thinking process would start again. The only solution I can find is meditation, you would be completely out of the world. In that silence you would find your true self and discover the truth. Away from the noise of this world, you are going to have that peaceful feeling that you have always been searching for.

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