Why are women considered as the weaker sex? This is the question that I am always asking myself and others.
Since I was a little kid, I was taught to be gentle, kind and peaceful because a woman should be like that. So you mean to say that being more gentle, kind and peaceful than men makes us women the weaker sex? I can't seem to understand.
Sometimes I sit down and think about what do people mean by being strong. What is strong? What is weak? Who is the one who gets to define these terms to both sexes? What is the advantage in that? And whose advantage is in that? These questions are swimming in my mind.
The people who like to point out the biological difference between men and women then everybody says that men are stronger than women. Why don't they see how women are treated so badly all over the world? In some countries when a baby girl is born, she is buried alive because she is a burden. Girls are not allowed to be educated. Women are treated as objects by men. They are raped and nobody comes to their rescue. In an village some years ago a mother was raped and burned alive? Is this the world in which we are living? This is the world who claims that women are the weaker sex. Everything done by men are highly respected. This is not said openly but we can all see it. What about women?
But what is strong? That is my question. Showing your strength upon others is being strong? And we cannot deny that there are women are athletes, who body build and things like that. There are women who can kick the ass of men and women. But there are exceptions as always. We are looking for the general truth here.
I can't forget the legacy of ovarian determinism women have to deal with all the time : our wacky hormones makes us unpredictable, annoying and we are always fainting and our menstrual cycle is controlled by the moon but what can be crazier than that? It's one of the reasons why women were hesitating to work in the past in fact they were not permitted to participate in the public life. They were imprisoned in the four walls of the house and they had to do everything related to the house. They worked very laboriously and hard. They carried heavy big pots from a very long distance from their house and they dragged carpets in the yard to beat them and then dragging them back.
And if women are really the weaker sex then is it a negative thing? Why do people put a lot of emphasis on that? Why is the male strength considered highly important? Why do everything that men do get great value? And why is everything divided into ''men as a class'' and ''women as a class''?
This is one of the questions that is always disturbing me. Why are women not respected like they should? Women are being used instead of being given a respectable position in the society. Whose fault is it? I can't even point fingers to anybody. Why don't anybody do anything? Someday, people have to raise their voice against injustice. It is high time.
Things will change. But it will take time. :)
ReplyDeleteThis mindset has been ancient. Really old. It will take time for people, specially men, to shun their age-old beliefs and give an equal position to women.
Think about this from their perspective. They have been labelled as the superior class since a long long time. They need to overcome their own insecurity and bring the change. Transitions take time, kid :)
Besides, things HAVE changed tremendously. Today there are people who respect Women. As a mother. Sister. Wife. Friend. More than that, as a women. As a creation of Allah :)
Bad things will always keep happening Nas, its a way of Allah to help us realize the value of good things.
As human beings, we just need to strive hard. And work for the change. :)
We hope things will change as you said,Insha'allah. We all should do so to bring a difference.