There are pretty much a lot of things going around in this world, isn't it? We simply don't notice it most of the times because we are moving fast with the pace of life. Everybody is living in their own world. Not even worrying if their neighbor next door if he ate or not. We are all concerned with our own things.
Where do you see a stranger who helps an old woman to carry her heavy bags on the streets? Very rare to see that nowadays. Or somebody who offers his hand to pick my books when they fall on the ground? I don't see that anymore. If somebody is going bullied by a strong person, nobody goes to help him. Everybody just stand there and enjoy the scene. They even clap their hands. What is going on seriously? Is this a film scene that you are appreciating? Why can't you go and help that person in trouble? This is the condition these days.
If you see a drunkard who is talking to himself on the corner of the street, this thought is going to cross your mind : ''He deserves it.'' Why don't you think for a moment? Why is he in that horrible state? That drunkard is also a human being just like you. He deserve better than what he is having right now. We all deserve good things in this life. He might have been mistreated and misunderstood. Today he is suffering for somebody else's faults. He may be an innocent soul. You can't judge people like that.
On the other side of the world, a woman sells her body out of helplessness to feed her baby who is hungry for the past 2 days and the police arrests her. She can't do anything and her baby is left all alone in this harsh world. Do you call that justice? What about those women who sell their bodies out of pleasure? Is this what that woman deserve? I am not judging. But why do people see only one side of the coin?
Just try to open your eyes wider to see things clearer. You should think a lot before judging or passing any comments, this world is vast and full of things that you can't even think of. Look around you, how people are and how things are going on. Open a newspaper and the sudden deaths, the number of rape cases, car accidents. It is sad that disasters are happening everyday. Look what is happening to Syria, Palestine, Bahrain, Egypt. There is bloodbath every minute over there.
When I hear what is happening in these countries, I had a hard-felt, hard-swallowing moment. We are one mankind in this world. And can you think about the people who are losing their own ones everyday? Kids who are imprisoned for no reason and their hopes and dreams are shattered. Those people are tortured everyday. Everything is finished for them. There is this quote : ''This world survives on hope. So why should I not hope?''
Like everything you write honey!
ReplyDeleteBut where are the poems??
Thaaank you hun. I don't write poems over here.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful Nasra :)
ReplyDeleteI could relate to it.