Thursday, 12 February 2015

Chapel Hill Shooting.

I am still not at ease since I heard the news last night about the Chapel Hill Shooting and the mass media isn't making a huge claim about anything. It is so disappointing to see that Muslims do not have the same human rights as others. It's like every time we have to say 'hello we are humans too no matter what'.

After watching the video of the elder sister of the young boy and his wife, along with his wife's friend, I couldn't help but weep for them. It's been only 6 months that the young boy got married and now they are dead. They didn't even see life well yet, I can imagine how their dreams have been shattered when they were shot. They were newly wedded couple who barely spent a year together for god's sake and the other young girl was studying for her upcoming future with so much ambition and passion.

One can make a vision what she wanted to do for her family after her architecture studies, I can feel her completely because she was just 19 like me yet humanity is decreasing every single day and it makes me so angry to see how the news headlines are 'North California man charged in the Chapel Hill Shooting death of 3 Muslim students'. He is a bloody terrorist or killer. Also why do they have to bear for a violent white man who lost his mind? I can't feel the unimaginable pain of those parents and family.

That is a lifelong pain, torture, agony, loneliness, regret and deep sighs for them. Nobody can pacify or console them, it is so hard in such situations where somebody so dear just gets killed for no valid reason and the law is being lenient because he is a white man and ofcourse, he will be treated as a king and have that superior position as this has been happening since 9/11 and nobody simply cares. It is only after the events that everyone goes like 'if only, seriously if only' and speak about it for a day and forget it later on as if it doesn't concern them.

There are so many questions that have to be raised after this incident because no human being deserve such an act as it is so horrible. Do we really have to be judged because of our religion or skin color? Isn't the black, brown and white people the same? How can this world run like this with humans dying and others continue with their daily routines? Why is the news headlines being so biased for the Muslims and not for the white people? Do we have to be white to get our voices heard? Will candlelight marches and protest walks help?

One can do strikes but after some days or months or years, it's the same thing again and it's not a big deal because it's Muslims who are dying or will die. Where is all the sympathy gone? Remember how everything was exaggerated when Who Is Charlie happened? Here is the hypocrisy, everybody is being negligent now, wake up people, it's high time. It might be your brother, son, cousin, neighbor, father, sister, mum or any of your closed ones tomorrow and you will weep so get up and do something for once.

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