Who does not wonder what gracefulness is exactly? With it, life becomes more beautiful and simple. it is accompanied with some lovely effects which people await with impatience throughout their lives or that moment when they see something or somebody and say 'wow' or even that thing that touches their heart and they don't know why this happened.
Every action has a reaction and it is true in so many ways. I am not talking about the Newton law of motion because I would have to explain everything in a scientific way and I am not really good at that. For example when a person is doing any type of dance, there has to be the grace so that the actions do look like it is done forcibly, it has to be refined and with ease so that even if there are some faults nobody would bother about it at all, it is hidden that way. When a couple is dancing and the guy lifts the girl, it has to be done very carefully so that it does not show that he is doing weight lifting.
A woman who is cooking frantically is not nice to see but somebody who is doing so gently, shows the love, kindness and most importantly the gracefulness which would be a delight to see that happening in front of your eyes. Cooking is an art and when it is done that way, it bring so much happiness in such homes and even the little rat in ''Ratatouille'' showed the entire world that anybody can cook with gracefulness without any trouble. There is a quote : ''anything done with gracefulness brings endless joy.''
Moreover exercising also requires some grace else you would get bored of it after some days. Why do you think people go to the gym twice per week? Because in the gym, every exercise has a way of doing so that the person feels relaxed with the gracefulness over there. I went to the gym once or twice and stopped because I am lazy and I realized that it is not my cup of tea. It is amazing how some people are so sportive and care about their body but sometimes you should not exaggerate with whatever you do.
Didn't it ever happen to you that any random person told you that you do not have grace in whatever you do? It once occurred to me and I was stunned as I am always in a hurry to do or go some place every single day and I thought that was not important but with the passing time, I realized that it is. I also started to eat slowly gradually and noticed that it was better hygienically and it showed how graceful I can be,
Finally things are done gracefully if you are patience, loving and gentle then others would be able to see how different you are from others and can inspire others to follow you. It would be a better world to live in and everything would be artsy.
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That's deep.