Saturday, 18 May 2013

The blind man.

We always take things or people for granted in life wherever we want it or not and we realize it when it is too late. But there is this saying ''better late than never.'' Life is the best teacher indeed, we come across a lot of little details that make us curious and we start questioning ourselves : ''what if it was me?'' It forces you to ponder on what you never did.

Yesterday I was stuck in the traffic as usual after a long day of shopping, I saw this blind man trying to cross the road and suddenly a young guy helped him to do so, I simply smiled at that act. But all the time I kept on thinking how life is for that man. How can he manage with everything? The way life is revolving so fast around us and we never notice that, does that man feel the same way about what is happening? He uses that white support stick to be independent and not for somebody to walk together with him so that he can sense the danger and all.

The word 'Black' is something natural for him and other blind people but is it for us? I watched this Indian movie namely 'Black' and it really moved me how a person can do anything to achieve his/her goal if there is determination. It scares me as well because I had this eye infection a month ago, I couldn't see clearly with my left eye and it literally scared me, feeling helpless was one of the emotions that was inside me. I even had the fear of never being able to see clearly again. It taught me to be patient though as I lack that quality in me.

Or I can't sleep if the lights are turn off in my room and these people spend their lives in darkness. Nevertheless God never gives you the troubles and difficulties that you cannot handle, He knows best. It is true that there has to be darkness so that light prevails else everything would be so monotone and dull. There is also the symbol of ying yang where it is complete when the half black meets with the half white. I always try to find hidden meanings in things, at times I fail. By trying to do that, I find satisfied and content of myself.

Hats off to those blind people who are struggling everyday in this harsh life, I am sure that it is very difficult for them but they are surviving somehow and they wish to see the colors that we are seeing so we have to be grateful that we are not in the same state as them as we never know what can happen in the future.


  1. Keeping patience and thanking God for everything are actually two important things we need to have. We don't realize but we have been given a lot more than many of the people.

    Something really good to read it was:)

  2. People need to realize that and it would be a better world to live in! And thaaank you Divy :)

  3. Worth reading. I'm actually saddened by the fact that we don't thank Allah for what we have. Nasraaa, keep it up. <3

  4. We often don't, thaaank you Kanza! <3
