Sunday, 10 February 2013

Valentine's day.

Everybody is talking about the Valentine's day since two weeks and some are even complaining why don't they have a date on that day? I even saw people crying out loud because they are forever alone on Valentine's day, why do you care so much? Because if you do, it means that for the entire year, nobody actually loves you. It might sound harsh but it is the reality so face it. There is a limit to be stupid and stop whining for nothing.

Why is it so special? I get irritated when I see advertisements, posters, postcards, billboards, films, roses, getting texts and letters on only one particular day. Are you going to shower love on your loved one just for a day to show the entire world that I love him/her? It is a sort of show off if you look well to whatever going on. Giving a teddy tear or some roses to your boyfriend or girlfriend on a day and saying I love you is romantic just on that day? That should be like everyday in your life, isn't it? Or if not everyday but sometimes whenever you feel like doing so. Expressing yourself and giving gifts don't need an auspicious time or day else things tend to be a formality then as it is that day so you have to wish that person sometimes you want to and at times out of obligation.

Take some minutes from your busy routine and think why does Valentine's day exist? Because it is a commercial stunt. Suppose I am a rose vendor, my business is going to go very well as people are going to buy many roses for their loved ones and I am going to support this Valentine's day nonsense because it is in my favor and I am making a lot of profit out of it. It is the same with all the people in the  business who are selling all their products, they just need an excuse to make it a big deal. Why is there a  mother's day or even a father's day? To make business and extract money from all the people who are busy working. Once something is being put so much emphasis on, there is going be a rant and then you see a big crowd in shopping mall who are buying things like there is no tomorrow and that are not even necessary but they buy to show others that I can afford it as well, these are called sheep which follow others. They do not think on their own but prefer to copy what others do or say, the worst thing is that they agree to anything and simply nod their head. You should have your own opinion.

Sensible people think out of the box. The mass media is always going to misguide you and give you the wrong picture of almost everything, that is why you should not believe in whatever you see or hear. Giving gifts or sending cheesy text messages or cards on Valentine's day is not romantic at all. It's time to use that grey matter in your brain and start seeing things from a different point of view. It's good to analyse things as it shows how educated you are.


  1. Totally Relatable! :)
    moreover we celebrate this day to spread love, its not necessary to gift your boyfriend/girlfriend, if you love someone everyday is a valentines day! :D

    Its about spreading love :)
    And yeah how can someone be forever alone? no one is. when love has to come it will. one does have family and friends, enough supply of love,lol.

  2. Threeshah, Exactly, that's what I always say. Love is infinite.

    Rahul, thaaank you :)
