Sunday, 14 October 2012


We all have had experiences ever since we were born. We either complain when we have bad experiences and smile or laugh at good experiences. We learn and not learn from them, it is all about choices. In our lives, we experience million of things in a minute, hour, day, year, all I am trying to do is transfer my thoughts into paper.

My ancestors and parents have more experiences than me and so are for the other people on this world. Like they say : ''Never look behind and make your future better than your past.'' It is not easy at times because nostalgia comes back at times and we get sad and miserable. But we are lucky to get over those bad things in life and we know that they are going to be more bad experiences as they are inevitable.

However we think that we are better than our elders at times and we should avoid that. They know way better than us, we all know that but we deny that. Denial is bad at times. We should take their advice and behind their every refusal, there is a strong reason because they actually care about us. They do not want us to make the same mistakes like maybe they did or just to avoid trouble they stop us.

At school or at your workplace, we do have many experiences and we say that we won't do the same things ever again not to get hurt again but sometimes we fail and it does take efforts. We are not on the same wavelength all the times, that is why we vary in experiences. Some may turn cold and some may understand that this is life. Every experience I have, push me to search for my freedom and my peace of mind, a way to express myself, dazzling at new things, become a better person and look ahead in life.

One experiences a different feeling while praying, you are simply telling everything to God because you know that he is listening to you, all the time without letting you down. You feel free, just away from your shackles of this world. It pleases your mind and heart, you just wish to sit down and raise your hands, talking endlessly by liberating your heart from the aches of a long, tiring day where people have been annoying and judging you.

My best experience in life was when I learnt how to handle autistic children and I always want to learn how the mind works and it is a great thing. Those children are angels on earth, they are the most special people that you can ever meet. They can make extraordinary things that you can never ever make. Most of the people judge them and call them mad or psycho. Now to some people, you can answer this question : ''Are you stupid?''