Thursday, 15 December 2011

All out!

I have faced awkward situations because I wear my scarf. I once had a friend who told me that she would continue to talk to me if I remove my scarf because she feels embarrassed to walk with me in public. I responded back by saying : ''People who are friends with you because of the way you look aren't real friends. And people who judge you by your personality are real friends, because people can change looks but they don't really change personalities.''

There was a guy who told me that I wore this thing on my head because probably I have no hair. That was funny. People never give you the occasion to explain why do you do such things and they keep on making assumptions.

A person once told me that I think a donkey has more rights in Iran and Saudi Arabia than women. Just because women wear scarves. That was another stupid comment.

I was even prevented not to wear the scarf in school but I fought for that. And I got my right.

People keep on asking me : ''Why do you wear that thing?'' ''Don't you feel hot under it?'' ''Why are you hiding your beautiful hair?'' ''Are you ashamed of yourself?'' ''Why are you embarrassing yourself with that thing?'' ''Don't you feel oppressed?'' ''How do you live with that horrible thing?'' ''Don't you find that really unfair?''

When I wear my scarf, I make it virtually impossible for people to judge me by the way I look. Faith is better than fashion. Wouldn't you agree? In today's society we are judging each other according to the way we dress. External appearances matter more than the internal appearances. People think that I am oppressed just I wear my scarf and cover up my body. Now tell me something, ''What kind of freedom can be when a woman cannot walk down the street every aspect of  her physical self being ''checked out''?'' Is this what you call freedom?

I can rest assured that no one is looking at me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt.  There is a barrier between me and those who would exploit me.  I am first and foremost a human being, equal to any man, and not vulnerable because of my sexuality. People have to take you for who you are, not for your body or your beauty.

This scarf of mine gives me an identity. I don't have to tell people that I am a Muslim. It shows.

The answer to the question is very simple - Muslim women observe HIJAB (covering the head and the body) because Allah has told them to do so.
"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59)

I am treading in the path of Bibi Zainab (S.A). That noble lady was paraded in through the streets of Damascus without her scarf. Her scarf was snatched from her head. That scarf was a symbol of her independence and liberation from the glares of strange men and an affirmation of her right to be treated according to her character and intellect and not according to her looks.

Ask yourself this question, if a woman walks into a room wearing a tight mini skirt and low cut blouse, would you take her seriously? Who would you respect more, a woman dressed like that or a woman who is covered up modestly?


  1. Amazing post! You fought in school for your religion, and that's great. People should stop commenting when they aren't aware about the facts!
    Great post! Very strong.

  2. You're welcome :D
    And by wearing a hijab, you don't get tanned :P

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Another misconception =p. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Merry Christmas to you too.

  4. Great:)
    I feel like wearing the hijab too after reading that!

  5. Thaaank you and insha'allah you will.

  6. This is so amazing, Nas. I really pity the ones commenting about your Hijab. You look cute with that and dress up is obviously the outer make up. Beauty lies within the soul. :) Kfnxbai.

  7. I am glad you do understand me Kayie, thaaank you. Some people just don't get the point.
